Through My Rhymes - Volume 2
Copyright © 2013 Jesse Chamberlain
All Rights Reserved.
Thank you for respecting the hard work of this author.
Dedication (30 on the 30th)
The Luckiest
You Look Good (Smile)
Family Tree
Morning Thought
I See Dead People
Orange Juice and Sunshine
I Only Want To
Small Car Superstar
Goose Bumps
Pretty Fingers
Sleeping Angel
I'm Sorry I'm Not Your Daddy
My Angel
If Only
Pull the Strings
Rain Dance
How Would You?
Strumming His Guitar
In My Head (Lady in Red)
Running in the Rain
Dear Letter
Matters of the Heart
Making Me a Dream
Friends in Your Ear
The End of the World (Love Me)
X's and O's
Too Many Fathers
Carry Me Home
Suffer In Silence
Scars on My Face
It's Personal
In the Event of My Demise
My Rhyme Came True
Dedication (30 on the 30th)
30 years in and I look back down the road,
30 years in and I let 3 loves of my life go,
Wish I could see a crystal ball or told what it showed,
I'm sure everything would've been different if I'd known.
Born in 1983 in a town not familiar in memory to me,
But forever in my heart because of the Queenslander in me,
Still see the photos occasionally but are foreign to me,
But that's only the beginning of the story.
Moved so many places and lost so much time,
Thinking of all the friends I lost when it comes to mind,
But on those rare occasions in places, I shined,
I hope that I continue to shine on down the line.
Finally settling in the late 90s and made friends I hope to have till the end,
Still waiting for my angel to come to me and then get married and have children,
This is more than a birthday poem to me or just a simple recollection,
This poem is also a thank you and a dedication.
I dedicate who I am to those that here now and those who've gone,
If anything in my life was different then I never would've shone,
My hearts still sore from times I didn't know how to deal with feelings,
And I'm still learning to cope but I never claimed to be a perfect human being.
To the closest of closest friends in Brad, John, Kim, Barbara and Tuan,
We might be separated more now but I forever I will be there for any alarm,
Other friends there for me in Anna and Samantha,
I would've gone nuts without you being there for questions I needed answered.
My extended family in Queensland that I haven't seen for years,
You are in my heart and missing you still makes me shed tears,
My extended family in New South Wales that are always there,
I'm sorry I haven't been there but hope time is something more we can share.
To my Facebook friends and fans still by my side,
Thank you for the journey, it's been one up and down ride,
There's too many to mention but you have affected me in times,
It's through feels for some of you that I've started to rhyme.
To my lost loves in Elizabeth, Meghann and Ashlea,
Forever in my heart lies a piece for you,
I still want you to be happy and for your dreams to come true,
I've always got time and love to spare for you.
To those that've passed on that I think about a lot,
David B, Stephanie, John N, John Z, Nan C, Dad and Honey,
Have affected me by far the most and tears I shed for thee,
There were others but they weren't as close to me.
To my little brother Steven, it's a little hard to say,
But one of these days we might just find a way,
I still love you and will forever be a big brother,
So this is me saying it and giving a hug to ya.
To my mother Susan, I thank you for keeping me alive,
Others have carried me but without you I wouldn't of survived,
You gave me life when I was growing in your womb,
God called Dad home but I home you aren't gone anytime soon.
I may have been difficult more than a few times in 30 years mum,
And there was a time or two when I was smacked on the bum,
But I hope you and Greg find happiness forever,
The love you two share is one to watch and treasure.
This is a more than a poem for me on my 30th birthday,
It's only a sample of my life and not all I've got to say,
There are others to thank and a lot more to mention,
This is the first but not the last dedication.
The Luckiest
Find me the luckiest coin, to throw in the luckiest well,
Filled with the luckiest water, blessed by the luckiest spell,
Built from the luckiest stones, under the luckiest bell,
On the luckiest day when the luckiest sun rays fell.
Waiting for the luckiest moment, to wish my luckiest wish,
Counting the seconds down to achieve the luckiest bliss,
I can see the coin spinning in slow motion before giving the water a kiss,
Now I wait to see if I'm granted the luckiest wish.